My Services

Personalised Exercise Program

Exercise is the one of the most beautiful ways to energise your mind & body. With my program you will find the joy in exercising whilst reaping all the benefits of feeling fitter and leaner.

Personalised Nutrition Planning

We all know what we should & shouldn’t eat right! Well being bombarded everyday by the media with new diets & fads makes it difficult. We’ll cut through all that & set you on the right path for life.

24/7 One on One Support

A major part of this program is communication. With daily communication, you have all the accountability and support you will need.

Recipe Book

Sometimes we get stuck for meal inspiration. This recipe book is a reference you can use to help supply that. Ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as some snacks and sweet options Perhaps you then might start to add your own little twist to change or improve them – the options become endless.

Educational & Mindset Videos

How we think will dictate our actions. Our minds are a powerful tool and one that we want to work with our bodies Learning how we deal with ‘life’, discovering what processes work and don’t, helps us to keep moving forward. Finding a positive in all situations, appreciating and being grateful for our days and what we can achieve is a major component of my program. I want you to feel empowered with new knowledge and a bigger belief in yourself and what you are capable of!

Group Support

Strength in numbers! Group support can have a positive impact on your health and fitness journey. Being surrounded and supported by like minded people, people going through their own struggles and challenges, can help keep driving you forward. On our Group Page we can share our own stories, share our different ideas, in a positive safe environment.

Happy Clients

Meet Danielle

Thank you so much for everything! Your guidnace, knowledge and support has gone above and beyond my expectations. I’m so glad I did this program as it’s something that is achievable if you just keep your goals in mind. It’s been an eye opener for me and I’ve learnt so much. You’ve given me the tools and confidence to continue on in living my life as a fitter, trimmer and radiant version of myself. Thanks a million!

Danielle O

Super Happy Client

More Happy Clients…….

Sally S

I feel WOW. I can’t believe I could ever do that.
Thank you so much Megan. You have done so so much for me and in ways I can’t even describe.
Fingers crossed now I can keep it up.
Just thank you thank you. You truly are the best mentor and trainer I’ve ever had.
I’ve just got to get into those weights. It’s like I have mental block that keeps making excuses to do it. Stupid thing is I really enjoy it. 
Thank you!

Amy B

This is fantastic Megs, thank you so much. I am so glad I signed up to do this with you. I could tell by my clothes that I was completely changing shape. In a short time I transformed my body & my energy levels went through the roof and I had an all over feeling of happiness. Which made each day easier to get up to work, and where as before I would have to make myself get out and go for a walk or run, now I’m eager to get out there and just do it. laughing

I’ve heard all the excuses and life doesn’t stop. So here’s to saying TODAY instead of one day!

But I just don't have time!

My program is convenient and will fit in with your life & lifestyle. With the recipes all ready to go, the fitness plan in place and me to keep you on track, not having time is just not a thing.

I don't think I'm fit enough to start!

You don’t need to be fit to get started or make changes, You just need to GET STARTED. I’ve done all the ground work to ensure my personalised program will meet your needs. 

I travel for work so I'm worried that this won't fit in with my schedule!

That’s the beauty of the personalised plan. I can make it work for YOU.

I've never exercised before and I'm scared!

As a qualified PT my experience means I know how to kick start your exercise journey! 

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